A decorative image of a bright blue sky with faint puffy clouds, and Ceemo the robot blasting off into the stratosphere

Launching the future of

startup storytelling

Your friendly automated Chief Marketing Officer
Ceemo the robot is popping out of a gray bubble, waving at you! He's a white, glassy-looking robot with a blue projected face with two happy eyes. He also has a blue projected screen on his tummy, showing a sunshine yellow heart.

Say hello to Ceemo, your new partner for all things startup storytelling!

Imagine taking a simple personality quiz about your startup, your main competitors, and how you want to be perceived by your customers. With Ceemo, that’s all it takes to develop a brand book that is both aesthetically pleasing and deeply strategic. Ceemo has your brand covered, complete with a:

  • Color Scheme
  • Open-Source Typography Kit
  • Basic Typographic Logo

Better yet, Ceemo will also keep your marketing consistent, by applying your new brand kit to all the marketing materials you need, from letterhead to social media, one-pagers to pitch decks. No more guessing about what color goes where, or what font you should use. Ceemo keeps you polished & professional with just one click.

Better brands are just the beginning. Join us this September for the private beta launch of our automated branding & marketing system. Keep an eye out for our upcoming seed round, which will fuel the development of our proprietary AI pitch narrative frameworks!

Keep exploring to learn more, meet the team, and find out how you can be part of the future of startup marketing!

Meet Team Ceemo

Heather Lawver

Heather Lawver

Founder & CEO

Logos for MIT Media Lab & Techstars

Jake Rosenhaft

Jake Rosenhaft


Logos for AOL & Continuous Software

Peter King Robbins

Peter King Robbins


Logos for Blue Egg Strategy & Design, Pandora Music, Bird, and Salesforce, all designed by Peter King Robbins

Scott Altman

Scott Altman

Principal Software Engineer

Logos for AOL, University of Mary Washington, and Continuous Software

George Stock

George Stock

Software Engineer

Logos for Illinois Tech and Continuous Software

Sarah Black

Sarah Black

Chief of Staff & Illustrator

Logo for California State University Long Beach

Development Partners

Techstars Atlanta Powered by J.P. Morgan
Gunderson Dettmer
Gunderson Dettmer
NEXT powered by Shulman Rogers

Tested & Proven

A cohort of diverse founders from Halcyon's Opportunity Intensive Program, which we support each year with branding & pitch deck services.



$20 Million


by our clients

A photo of the headquarters of the Halcyon Incubator, a historic mansion in Georgetown, Washington, DC.


Ecosystem partners

Our Proud Testing Partners

Before writing a single line of code, we thoroughly tested our underlying branding, marketing, and pitching methodologies. We put them to the toughest test, by purposefully working with those who have the steepest odds against them in venture capital: underrepresented founders.

We worked with over 300 founders from in every demographic: women, BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, and disabled founders.

We secured dozens of ecosystem partners, strategically streamlining acquisition from likeminded accelerators, universities, and VC funds.

In less than two years, our clients raised over $14 million dollars, which went to 97% underrepresented founders, with the majority of funds raised in Angel & Seed rounds.

Our methods work. Now is the time to automate & scale for both success & impact.

We've won marketing awards judged by

The Future of Startup Storytelling

Begins Here

Ceemo the robot is popping out of a grey bubble, searching on his wrist-projected computer screen for all the cool info about our upcoming beta!
A faded decorative illustration of a megaphone
JAN 2023
JAN 2023
Ceemo wordmark logo, with the logo presented in a hand-drawn brush script.

New Year, New Name

After a great deal of thought, our founder develops a name for our new SaaS platform: Ceemo, your friendly automated CMO! The name is inspired by the concept of turning a CMO into a character that personifies the strategies that make marketing so instrumental to every startup's success; a friendly way for every founder to relate to & understand key marketing principles.

FEB 2021
FEB 2021
The Techstars logo, used with permission.

Portfolio Company

After holding back the news for two months, iwe were finally able to announce that Perfectly Pitched is a proud Techstars portfolio company. With help from our partners at NEXT, we completed a transition to a Delaware C-Corp & sailed through due diligence. We dove in headfirst as part of the Techstars Atlanta Powered by J.P. Morgan cohort, led by Program Manager Melissa Pegus.

FEB 2021
FEB 2021
Logo for Continuous Software, used with permission.

The Perfect Partner

After six months of service as an Advisor, Jake Rosenhaft of Continuous Software made us an offer we couldn't refuse! Joining us as our CTO, Jake brought his spectacular team into the fold as our official tech partner. We began development of the Ceemo platform in March & have been building steadily ever since. Jake has extensive experience going back to his days as a Tech Director at AOL & has a deep understanding of both how to build & the strategy behind the why. Continuous typically builds larger enterprise-level software for clients like Bloomberg, but fell in love with our mission & has brought their considerable skill & expertise to the table to make our vision a reality.

MAR 2023
MAR 2023
The Ceemo lightbulb logo, with a cute hand-drawn curly-q lightbulb in a sunshine yellow gradient, with the word ceemo handwritten in a brush script, curling to form the filament of the lightbulb.

A Bright Brand Idea

With development underway, we worked with branding industry legend Peter King Robbons of Blue Egg Strategy & Design to develop our new logo. As the designer of tech giant logos like Salesforce and Pandora Music, he understood the complexities of our underlying brand strategy. Details about our branding journey are coming soon!

MAY 2023
MAY 2023
The Techstars logo, used with permission.

Demo Day

Techstars Atlanta Demo Day is taking place in New York City at the headquarters of J.P. Morgan Chase. We're so excited to share our pitch, our story, and invite our future partners to join the next phase of this journey. If you're an accredited investor or if you're part of the startup ecosystem interested in our upcoming private beta, please feel free to reach out! We're excited to show off our pitch deck, share more details, learn more about you, and see if we might make good friends & fellow marketing futurists!

AUG 2023
AUG 2023
A colorful 2D-style illustration of a proud, confident, experienced founder delivering an exciting pitch all about Ceemo! There are two investors seated at a table in front of her, and they just can't wait to invest!

Join Our Seed Round

Following Techstars' Demo Day, we'll launch our Seed Round! We're looking for investors who believe in the power of stories. Who believe in a more equitable startup landscape. We believe the pen is mightier than the sword, and a good pitch can be more powerful than prejudice. We've studied the very first hurdles underrepresented founders face; without a Friends & Family round, it makes it harder to streamline their story & look like they belong in their market. We want to make that marketing journey easier for every founder, so more ideas get heard, more founders are believed, and more people have an equal shot at their own startup success story.
If that sounds like a future you want to help build, say hello!

OCT 2023
OCT 2023
A colorful 2D illustration of two people cheering atop green, blue, and purple stepped platforms that look like a growing profit graph. They're looking up at a cute chubby pink rocketship that's launching into the stratosphere!

Private Beta Launch

Coming this September, we'll be launching Ceemo 1.0 as a private beta with our exclusive partners! We'll work with accelerators, universities, and venture capital firms to support the branding & pitching needs of all the talented founders they work with. Of course we'll also include access to our suites of marketing templates, as well as our award-winning educational materials and 1:1 coaching & expert support. The founders in your programs & portfolios deserve the best! Let's work together to increase their odds of success. Sign up below to get all the latest beta info delivered right to your inbox.

DEC 2023
DEC 2023
A colorful 2D illustration of a woman examining a pitch deck on an oversized laptop.


Ceemo 1.0 is all about laying the foundation for visual marketing; the subtle subconscious theming that forms the emotional base of your startup story. Ceemo 2.0 is all about the verbal narrative that makes the visual come alive. Atop our custom-branded marketing materials, Ceemo will add a layer of AI-infused storytelling mastery. There's a reason a collegiate textbook from MIT has a chapter titled, "Why Heather Can Write". We're taking our founder's writing prowess & pairing it with AI, to create the biggest innovation in pitch decks & startup storytelling since
Guy Kawasaki's 10 Slide Template.

2024 & BEYOND
2024 & BEYOND
A colorful illustration showing a team of three people working across the globe, plotting worldwide domination!

Vertical Expansion

Our heart is in it to bring equality to venture capital, but our vision doesn't end there. Startups are merely our beachhead, both in terms of growth & impact. Brands are needed by more than just startups, or even businesses in general. Our automated color management system could be indispensible for accessibility & design system generation. Carefully crafted narratives with an automated eye toward DEI could minimize liabilities while advancing growth. Pitch decks cover so much more of our economy than just venture capital. Your ability to tell a story & convince others of your ideas can change the trajectory of your career, or of an entire movement. Suffice it to say, this is just the beginning.

A faded decorative illustration of a megaphone
A faded decorative illustration of a speech bubble filled with exclamation marks
A faded decorative illustration of a guy on a phone screen, waving at the viewer and holding a coffee mug.
A faded decorative illustration of an idea coming together, in the form of a lightbulb that looks like a puzzle, with one final piece locking into place.
A faded decorative illustration of a lady holding a megaphone, seated on a hockey stick arrow pointing upward.
A faded decorative illustration of a plant growing money.
A faded decorative illustration of a large rocket flying straight to the stars.
A faded decorative illustration of three people in a zoom meeting, presenting a slide deck.
A faded decorative illustration of a plan for global domination, with huge stacks of money.

Join Our Journey

Are you an accredited investor? Are you passionate about the future of generative AI? Do you want to see true equality take root across the startup landscape?

If all of that sounds good to you, let’s talk!

Thank you!